To access this program, you will need a login. Click the “Request Login” button above if you haven’t done so already. An email will be sent to you within 48 hrs to register your account with Bond Ramp UFCIC. Please follow the steps in that email. Check your junk folder if you cannot locate the registration email.

Business owners can purchase a variety of commercial surety bonds fast, easily, securely, and at lower cost than traditional agency or online agency portal channels. The purchase process typically takes minutes with most bonds issued and transmitted instantly to the buyer. Agents can quote the bond for the insured and email direct to the insured to finalize, sign and pay for the bond. All of this is done electronically.

This admitted program focuses on the sale of License & Permit bonds with a multitude of additional bond types to be available in the near future. License bonds are typically required by federal, state, and local government entities as prerequisites for many licensed businesses to legally operate. Permit bonds are often required before a government entity will issue a permit to a business for a project or service.

• Contractors
• Auto Dealers
• Transportation Brokers
• Retail Stores
• Probate Court (Administrators, Executors, Guardians)
• Court Proceedings (Appeals, Injunctions, Release of Lien)
• Lost/Defective Instruments (Vehicle Titles, Stock Certificates, Cashier’s Checks)
• Notaries
• Utility Tax, Leases
• Public Officials (Sheriffs, Court Officers, Judges, Treasurers)

Surety Bonds Quick Guide
Bond Ramp – Detailed Info
Bond Ramp Quote Flow
Bond Ramp Offering Guide

QUESTIONS? Please contact our office at 352-638-9400 for assistance.

Attention Agents: Please note, E-Delivery of Policy Documents has been turned on for all agencies. This means agency copies of policy documents should arrive electronically in most cases.